The Pros And Cons Of Limiting Time With Electronics For Your Kids

The debate around children’s screen time has only increased since smartphones and tablets became common. There is no doubt that screen time cannot be eliminated for children, especially since the Covid-19 Pandemic has made a huge chunk of children’s activities go online. But do the same restrictions for screen time apply now as they did in a pre-pandemic time?

Pros Of Limiting Screen Time For Kids:

Stress Prevention

There have been countless studies linking an increase in stress to an increase in screen time. Adults can cope better with stress since their brains are more developed. However, children’s minds are still developing, and early stress may lead them to develop issues such as chronic anxiety. Therefore, limiting screen time can help them prevent them from experiencing stress.

They Will Get Some Physical Exercise

One of the main points in the debate around children and screen time is that they just don’t go out anymore! And, indeed, children don’t go to the parks as much as they used to! So, if you could get your kids and your friends’ kids together for a playdate instead, they would be happy and physically active.

Their Mental Health Would Prosper

There is a massive amount of information on the internet, and a lot of it can negatively affect your young one’s mind. Limiting screen time will help them focus on their own reality for a while, benefiting their mental health.

It’s Easier On The Eyes

Screen technology has evolved immensely to be better on the eyes, but it still has a negative impact. So if children limit their screen time, their eyes might get to take a breather to help improve vision health.

Cons Of Limiting Screen Time For Kids:

They Might Be Unaware Of The World Around Them As we said before, the internet has hordes of information regarding the world around us. Children come across all kinds of knowledgeable things, and it is possible that limiting their screen time could make them unaware of their surroundings.

They Could Experience FOMO

Not all parents have the same limitations on-screen time as you do! Some kids might get to spend more time on the internet than yours do. This is why if a few kids in their class discuss something they don’t know about, they might experience FOMO or the Fear of Missing Out.

They Might Not Be Updated With The World

If you severely restrict your children’s screen time, you might see a difference in their knowledge level compared to other kids around them. You might feel like your children are being left behind.

They Would Miss Their Friends And Family

The internet is the best way to stay connected with friends and family. If your child sees their friends online together and plays games at a time when they are not allowed to use their device, they will miss them.


Screen time is essential in today’s world, and even though it is important to limit it, we must know the extent to which we must restrict it.