TED Talks All Moms Can Learn From

Being a mother is one of life’s greatest gifts. With it comes an armada of challenges that need to be tackled daily and consistently. The greatest repository of knowledge today is the internet. However, when it comes to practical ideas being shared by subject matter experts, TED stands out as the gold standard.

Short, easy-to-understand, and interesting talks given at TED events can go a long way in expanding our horizons in a relatively short time. Given that time is of the essence for mothers, here are the top TED Talks for moms that will surely benefit you on your parenting journey.

How Moms Shape The World’ by Anna Malaika Tubbs

Anna Malaika Tubbs is a prominent Sociologist with degrees from Stanford University and the University of Cambridge. In her talks, Anna goes to lengths to explain the important role mothers play in shaping the world.

She describes mothers as our first leaders, teachers, and caretakers. Citing the lives of their mothers, she makes one realize that without mothers, people like Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, and James Baldwin wouldn’t have been what they are, and as a result, the world would’ve been a very different place. This is great to watch if you ever need motivation about parenting.

The Perfect Mother Needs To Go’ by Andrea Jensen

Andrea Jansen is the founder of Any Working Mom, dedicated to improving the lives of all mothers, especially working ones. In her talk, Andrea highlights that, as mothers, women strive for perfection and often over-exert themselves. This behavior is harmful as sometimes they can’t do all they set out to do.

It is also an issue because this is unsustainable in the long run. As mothers, it is equally important to rest and recuperate to give your family your best while doing what’s best for you. Highly recommended for those of us who are overwhelmed with work and parenting.

Why Moms Are Miserable’ by Dr. Sheryl Ziegler

Dr. Sheryl Ziegler is a Psychology Doctor specializing in children growing up in families. Her talks underline the conclusions she has drawn from her years of experience with parents and especially mothers who she reports have become ‘miserable’ as time has gone by. She presents her viewpoint that there is an increasing number of cases of burnout among mothers, causing issues like anxiety, depression, and even divorce.

Her talk focuses on the importance of having a well-balanced life for a mother, not for her sake only but also for the wellbeing and prosperity of her children and her family. This TED talk should be definitely on the watch list for new mothers who must have felt an increase in their responsibilities.

To Wrap Up

Being a mother is a beautiful process that unfolds every single day. Because the responsibility is so much and we all want what’s best for our child, it’s excellent to learn and grow. These TED talks make you more aware and better equipped to take on all your mommy challenges. Best of luck!