How To Manage Video Game Usage In Your Home

Video games have become highly popular in the past few decades. Although video games are undoubtedly engaging and entertaining, their excessive usage can have negative consequences.

Hence, it is crucial to remember that moderation is key. It is also necessary for parents to manage video games in their homes, monitoring what kind of video games their kids are playing and how much time they are spending.

Moreover, video games have their fair share of merits and demerits. The effect of video games depends on how they are being utilized. Explore more of the pros and cons of video games and how you can manage video games in your home.

Pros Of Video Games:

  • Improved cognitive functioning.
  • Improved brain development in kids.
  • Enhanced hand-to-eye coordination.
  • Promote teamwork.
  • Help ease depression and anxiety.

Cons Of Video Games:

  • They can be highly addictive.
  • They elevate the risk of aggression in adults and children.
  • They might affect physical and mental health.
  • Excess gaming can decrease focus and concentration.
  • They decrease productivity.
  • They might affect social skills.

Managing Video Games At Home

Managing video games for your kids is necessary. It doesn’t matter if they are 10 years old or into their teen years; they require monitoring. Here’s how you can manage video games in your home:

Getting Involved

The best way to manage video games in your home is to get involved in what games your kids are playing. In this way, your kids will be more likely to follow your advice.

  • You can get involved in the following ways:
  • For younger kids, choose age-appropriate video games for them.
  • Learn more about kids’choices and favorites.
  • If possible, have the video game console or computer in a public area of your home so you can closely monitor their gaming activities.
  • Play video games with your kids.

Creating A No-Go List

Create a list of no-go video games. Meaning setting rules that playing certain violent and adult games are not allowed in the house. You can put restrictions on your account, preventing kids from buying and renting games that are not suitable for them. Moreover, discuss why certain video game content is inappropriate and objectionable.

Scheduling Play Time

Set a schedule to limit video games playtime. You can make a time “bank” with a set amount of time per day or week that they can spend on their gaming devices. Once your kids withdraw all the minutes, playtime is over. Or you can set rules that they cannot play in the evening or until homework is finished.

Controlling Spending And Offering Alternatives

Control how much money your family is spending on video games. Set a budget, and don’t go over it; instead of subscribing to video games, which can be expensive, rent or borrow them. Encourage your kids to participate in other alternative activities such as sports, reading, gardening, etc.