How To Manage And Overcome Anxiety In Your Work-Life

General stress and anxiety are more common than you may think. One of the major causes of anxiety for a lot of people is work and their jobs. Many people worry about finishing their work on time and meeting deadlines, having to talk to their bosses, or feeling like they aren’t doing a good enough job.

Work-related anxiety can make you want to avoid going to work altogether. Before you give up on it, here are 5 tips on how to better manage and overcome workplace anxiety.

Set Out a Balanced Schedule

You might feel anxious at work when too many things are happening at once, and there is a risk of forgetting certain tasks. It would be a good idea to plan out a balanced schedule for every workday. This can allow you to prioritize certain tasks and help you balance your responsibilities. Be sure to schedule plenty of breaks, too, so that you don’t burn out!

Stay in Touch with Your Colleagues

A common result of anxiety is the need to alienate yourself or avoid situations and people that make you uncomfortable. In the long run, avoidance can make your anxiety worse and affect your work. It is important to stay in touch with your colleagues so that everyone is on the same page about work responsibilities. Additionally, in-person conversations can be a great way to clarify any confusion about anything.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help and Delegate Tasks

You don’t always have to say yes to everything you’re asked to do! It is important to understand how much you can handle and to set healthy boundaries. If you think you aren’t up to a certain task, talk to your boss about it. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you can’t take on a task all by yourself. Your colleagues are on your team and are there to help you out! You can also delegate tasks to others so that you can focus more on your priorities for the day.

Keep Work Out of Your Downtime

Downtime is incredibly important to avoid stretching yourself too thin and burning out. Avoid working during lunch breaks or on your commute. Instead, you can spend that time talking to a friend, reading a book, or doing any other non-work-related task. When you go home for the day, don’t take your work with you. Avoid checking emails or taking work calls, and instead spend time with your family.

Make Use of Available Resources

There are various resources available to help you manage and overcome work-related anxiety and anxiety in general. You can make use of any counseling services your workplace might offer through employee assistance programs or consider therapy. You can also consider opening up to a friend or loved one to offload some of your feelings of anxiety and stress.

Try out these 5 tips, and hopefully they will help you reduce any work-related anxiety you may be feeling and increase your productivity and performance at work.