Flexitarians Are Driving Popularity Of The Plant-Based Diet Trend

The demand for plant-based foods has increased considerably in recent years. The number of flexitarian consumers has become large enough to form a mainstream market. The flexitarian diet is a cross between flexible and vegetarian, a diet for all foodies who want healthy food. According to manufacturers, people interested in consuming a flexitarian diet demand transparency, healthier nutrition, and sustainability without compromising taste or quality. Constant debates between vegans and vegetarians almost always lead to no conclusion. A flexitarian diet is a middle-ground between a vegetarian diet and a vegan diet. In simpler words, it is a semi-vegetarian diet that mainly uses plant-based products, with the occasional addition of meats. On the other hand, vegetarians strictly avoid meat, and vegans don’t consume animal-based products. We explore how flexitarians are driving the plant-based trend for manufacturers.

Increasing Demand For Plant-Based Products

Even though practicing the flexitarian diet does not affect the meat industry as they still consume meat occasionally, they still prefer plant-based alternatives. These people demand transparency for the food items they consume because they want to know what is in the products.

A huge chunk of flexitarians is concerned about climate change. Some others just want to consume quality products. As a result, manufacturers are now putting more effort into creating transparent labels to capture consumers’ attention.

Some consumers are constantly hunting for plant-based alternatives for meat, dairy, and sweets like chocolate. Consequently, an increasing trend in the consumption of plant-based products has been observed in recent years.

The Need For Improved Texture And Taste

Whether consumers opt for a vegetarian or a vegan diet, they still want to experience a food adventure fully. Most flexitarians like to stay up to date with food trends. Moreover, like the general population, they do not want to compromise on taste or texture.

The top manufacturers in the industry have started producing plant-based alternatives for meat with a texture replicating the original for a complete food experience. Today, you can find plant-based burgers, nuggets, fillets, sausages, etc., on the market in the form of ready-made meals. Moreover, for dairy alternatives, rice is being used extensively to provide a clean taste and a smooth texture.

Final Notes

The main driving force for flexitarian diet or plant-based products is flexitarians. They are a group of sophisticated individuals concerned for their health, wellbeing, and the impact of food consumption on climate change.

It is the main reason they want transparent labels; they want to understand the products they consume. Above all else, flexitarians don’t want to compromise on quality or taste. As a result of all these demands, manufacturers are constantly on the lookout for innovative and plant-based techniques to create tasty and textured products.

It is one of the best ways to establish a loyal customer base. There can be no compromise on quality or taste if product-makers want to increase sales and expand their market.